Church History
Each year as we joyously celebrate another Christian Tabernacle Church anniversary, we reflect upon the blessings of God. We must reflect upon the history often so that each generation will know the favor that God has given to CTC. Psalm 145:4 and Deut 6: 20-25.

The Cumberlanders

Schaumburg YMCA

Elk Grove Village
Presbyterian Church

10 Acres, Bartlett, IL
Paid Off – 2002
Our Past
In January of 1982, we moved to the Twinbrook YMCA of Schaumburg. There we fellow-shipped with Prayer Tower of Chicago the home church of Rev. Pope and Rev. Stewart. George and Rae MacArthur were ordained our first deacon and deaconess.
Mary Ann Hale chaired the first missionary board and Johnny Bishop chaired the first usher board. One Sunday in the “Y” parking lot, the custodian said that every Sunday he looked forward to hearing the beautiful voices of the CTC choir. From the beginning, God blessed the voices of the choir and He continues to do so today. The choir has caused our spirits to soar as they lifted their voices in praise for cantatas and, concerts for holidays and other special occasions. The first choir director was Grace Carter.
CTC moved to Elk Grove Presbyterian Church in March 1982. While there, God not only blessed the church in membership numbers but He began a new thing spiritually. Sister Lorrain Johnson, a gifted songstress and a devout woman of God was our first ordained evangelist and Leon McCrimmon our first ordained minister. God knowing the trials that we would face sent Evangelist Johnny Mae Stewart, Evangelist Dallas Wilson, Evangelist Lorrain Johnson and a host of seasoned Christians to nurture and buttress the church. In December 1984, Pastor Pope resigned and left for a ministry in California.
From Dec. 1984 – September 1985 in the absence of a pastor and the false predictions of naysayers who spoke of the demise of the church, the church doors remained opened and the pulpit filled. God mightily blessed the efforts of the modified joint board and the deaconate under the prayerful and faithful leadership of Deacon Charles Rice. Rev. Louis Stewart traveled from Chicago to preach many Sundays. The church constitution and covenant were written by Toni Bates, Howard Cumberlander, Don Carter, George MacArthur, and Charles Rice. Rev. Pope said that he was a planter of churches. When he resigned from CTC, he left a planted church. Rev. Pope’s answered prayers had fashioned a group of baby Christians into Christians who had a hunger and thirst for the word forsaking the worldly pleasures which were at one time so enticing.
From CTC, God called out several members to preach: Brothers Rice MacArthur, Moree, Youngblood, Patterson, Presley, Robinson, McCoy, and Sisters Askew, Newman, Blue, and Delaney, To God be the Glory!
During our Fall revival in 1989
God sent a pastor to worship with us and he informed Pastor Stewart of a church for sale in Roselle. In Oct. 1989, we purchased our present church home and it was God’s favor and the financial skills of Charles Rice and Howard Cumberlander that allowed us with joy and thanksgiving to celebrate a mortgage burning five years later. In 2002, the church elected their first elders; Brothers. Willie Rhodes, Howard Cumberlander and Sister Pauline Askew. In 2003, the church purchased ten acres of land and burned the mortgage in 2006.
On November 22, 2008,
Pastor Louis Stewart submitted his letter of resignation effective March 31, 2009. Being a faithful, devout and compassionate shepherd, he agreed to stay with the flock until a new shepherd was sent. The joint board overseeing this period of transition formulated six committees: the constitution compensation, communication, process, worship, pastoral search committees. and focus.
The committee members followed an arduous and demanding schedule while the congregation joined with them in prayer and fasting seeking God’s will. After several candidates were presented, our omniscient, omnipotent and sovereign God presented the shepherd He had ordained for CTC.
Only God could orchestrate a meeting of two strangers in an airport (“waiting to board an airplane”), Deaconess Lillie Douglas and Rev. Marquerite Jenkins the mother of The Dr. Reverend Darryl Jenkins, begin discussing CTC’s prayer for a new pastor for and shepherd to lead the congregation. The two united in prayer and Rev. Marquerite Jenkins informs her son The Dr. Reverend Darryl Jenkins. On November 1, 2010, Pastor Stewart passed the mantle to Pastor Darryl T. Jenkins.
Our Present
Rev. Robbie Robinson served faithfully as our Interim Pastor for nearly six months. On May 16, 2015 he was voted in by the congregation as our new shepherd serving as Senior Pastor. Praise the Lord! We are excited and encouraged and look forward to God’s continued leadership and blessings.
Our current physical church location

100 S. Park Street
(Across From Roselle Public Library)
Roselle, IL 60172
Building Expansion
In addition to our overall outreach ministry efforts to build the Kingdom of God, CTC has also expanded our physical location. The new addition accommodates additional ancillary space including class rooms, administration offices and a fellowship hall. The new construction’s appearance matches our existing historic landmark. We thank the Lord for answering our prayers in having the new construction completed.